Story-Driven Documentaries and
Digital Videos for Screens of All Sizes

Successful Marketing
= Telling Great Stories

Whatever business you’re in, you’re in the marketing business.
But your customers don’t want facts or selling points.
They want a story - and they know a great story when they see it.
They ENGAGE. They LEARN. They FEEL Something. And They REACT

Meet Your Mentors

At 50 Pictures, we have decades of experience in editorial storytelling for all the major UK broadcasters. Our friendly team includes award-winning researchers, writers, producers, directors, shooters, and editors.

Our Story-Finding to Story-Telling Process

All of that expertise is now yours, with our unique 50 Pictures StoryFINDING-to-StoryTELLING Process. Stories that are Gripping, Remarkable, Engaging, Authentic, and Transformational.


Our Process

Of course, it’s possible to conceive and create stories without a process. But if you want to tell powerful, original, compelling stories again and again, you need a structured approach - a workflow that works every time.

Our Promise

With in-built planning and approval at every stage, the 50 Pictures StoryFINDING to StoryTELLING Process gives you a clear sense of direction towards a defined destination, every time.

Every Business Has A Story...

Let's Make Yours A Bestseller!

We’d love to be your story-driving sidekick for your next video marketing campaign or branded content project.

For your free copy of the 50 Pictures Guide to Finding and Telling G.R.E.A.T. Stories, complete our quick-fire questionnaire.

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